Veritas  Any Day Now
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On My Collection of Fountain
Britt Leach
What Freud Said

“Then there is Freud's theory that links obsessive collecting to childhood and the potty-training period. Parents force their children to train their bowel movements and then the child's output is promptly flushed down the toilet, suggesting that what they have produced is of no value; in fact, it is abhorrent and needs to be gotten rid of. According to Freud, adult obsessive collectors are merely hoarding things because they were accustomed to things being taken away from them during this potty-training period.” *

Besides, what could that have to do with my collection of fountain pens? As I said, I'm not a collector. That’s my pen case on the table, a CD on top.

Why Do I Have So Many

Yesterday I was wondering why I have so many fountain pens, why I have fifteen (15) pens. That’s an Omas Bronze in my hand. I read a piece in the New York Times about what is called OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, its relationship to collecting. I don’t approve of naming behaviors, the pathologizing of human behavior. Besides, what could that have to do with the fountain pens I have collected over the years? I'm not really a collector. Because collectors don't necessarily use their pens, and I do.

An Email Correspondent & Friend

Once I wrote long emails to several friends and my brother (who is also my friend), but never received long emails in return except from my brother. Here is my brother Brad with his friend, Liz.

Sometimes I Write Outside

I write in my paper journal even outside; but I don’t use my pens for personal correspondence, don’t write letters. Instead I use email. I have seven email addresses. 7. Seven. And because I have several websites I think that I could have something like an additional three-hundred email addresses if I wanted them.

I'm Going To A Pen

On Sunday I am going to attend this pen show. Where I hope to sell four of the pens that I never use. That will leave me with eleven pens (11) in my collection. I don't think of myself as a pen collector even though I have a collection of pens. There is an organization called Pen Collectors of America, but I am not a member.

Our Mother Loved Cats

So now I write my brother long emails and he writes me long emails in return. Thoughtful emails. He says that he has a limited affection for cats, but I don’t believe him. Our mother loved cats. She once had eleven (11).

My Friend Who Lives In

I have a friend in Spain, a good man, a wonderful photographer, who writes long emails. He's from my hometown. We correspond several times a year by email. Robert Royal. We will have more of his photographs on this site soon. I think I’ll write him a letter, use one of my pens, maybe my new L.E., send a long letter to him in Spain.

My Tea Time L.E. (43

Here is my new Classic Fountain Pens Tea Time L.E., (43 of 51). Writes beautifully—the nib having been modified by John Mottishaw. Would having and using only one pen indicate a purity of heart? If I had fewer pens would I write more? What about email addresses? If I had fewer email addresses, would I write more emails? I don’t know that I want to write more emails.

© C.F.P.
Another Photo of My Tea

Better photo of the new L.E. Tea Time from Classic Fountain Pens.


What a beautiful cat. I appreciate his assistance with this essay—that's Alex in the chair at the top of the page.

Emerald Green Pearl Parker Vacumatic

This is my most recent purchase, just arrived. I bought it from Richard Binder, and I'm sure that it will be the last pen that I buy. This is a vintage fountain pen from the 1940s. I wanted an American pen in my collection and this one is beautiful as you can tell. An extra-fine nib that writes wonderfully. There are other vintage American pens— Watermans and Conklins and Eversharps and Sheaffers—but I'm sure that I will not buy another pen. No question about that in my mind, and that's because I am not a collector.

*The Freud quote is from Rita Simonetta.

15 February 2008

More (Serious)  Considerations Of

NOTES for 15 February 2008

The Bowerbird Likes Pretty Things

Footnote To A Poem

Update Sunday, 17 Feb. 2008

Yes, so, the pen show. I went on Saturday and sold four pens, had good conversation and joined the Pen Collectors of America. Most enjoyable day. Sunday, today, I returned to the Los Angeles International Pen Show where I purchased from Rick Propas two (beautiful) vintage Pelikan pens.

And, yes, these actions contradict what was offered just above, bur Veritas is in our name; we seek the truth, track the truth, disclose the truth. Small truths are all we have. I remain, Yours truly, BL, your Ed. & Pub.

Fountain Pen Links So that you

One other matter. (See what I mean?) If you decide to explore this early word- processing technology with me, I must warn you that some estimable pen people are given to punning with their company names.Good people, but be forewarned. PENguin, PENoply, PENtiques, Pendemonium (wonderful). And if I continue down this collecting path, continue spending money, I have a name in mind for a site that will chronicle my experiences: (and I just registered it). But what the hell.—BL

Fountain pen links

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