Counter Anniversary Page
Veritas  Any Day Now
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The Anniversary Page

This is a modified version of our first anniversary cover. The pieces listed below were selected from our first year and considered especially important or humorous or worth remembering. At least to the Editor & Publisher. (Same person.) Our first issue was published (pixeled?) on 7 April 2006. Oddly enough, our first anniversary issue was pixeled on 6 April 2007.

Special! Special! Special!

I Don't Travel Well & Booze Doesn't Help/7 April 2006

George W. Bush & His Thumb/ 24 May 2006

The Getty: High Above the City/ 23 June 2006

Fabulous Las Vegas/14 July 2006

Captain James Edward Leach: World War Two/ 28 July 2006

The Usefulness of Snapshots/ 25 August 2006

I Still Don't Travel Well But I'm Going to My Class Reunion/ 1 September 2006


My Time With 'The Doors'/ 15 September 2006

Worthy of Cats? /19 October 2006

Family Photos Featuring My Mother, Frances Butcher Leach/27 October 2006

Yesterday Was Thanksgiving/24 November 2006

I'm Sorry, Yolanda, Floors Aren't Easy/22 December 2006

Yesterday I Took A Walk/ 16 February 2007

This Evening's Lecture: An Explication of Last Week's ''Modify Body, Modify Mind'/ 16 March 2007

The Idiot's Secret/ 30 March 2007

Veritas Gallery/ 2006-2007

Free Souvenir! An Early Cover!

* "The eternal silence of these infinite spaces (the heavens) fills me with dread." —Pascal, Pensées. Our first issue had this quote on the cover, and then it was moved to the Contents Page and stuck under True Angst and then I abandoned it completely. Cowardice, childhood trauma, attack of the smiley faces; I don't know. But on 11 March 2007, the "New York Times" magazine had a story, "Out There" in which cosmologists were quoted as saying—and I'm paraphrasing—"Bloody hell; we don't have a clue." Something about "dark energy" and "dark matter," which compose, they now believe, something like 96 percent of the universe. And another quote from the article: "Maybe it's not just our powers of perception that aren't up to the task but also our powers of conception." (My italics.) So. Blaise Pascal (1623-1662). Here's another quote: "Cuddle Up! We only have ourselves." And that's from VERITAS—Any Day Now, 6 April 2007, The Giant Anniversary Issue.

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